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Voices in my Head !


From Brazil to Nashville !

Jesse Ventura's Brain Invaders

Death From Above...



Le 25 décembre 2020, on fêtait Noël, à Nashville, au XXIème...

...comme ailleurs :

Brazil. Terry Gilliam. 1985



L'attentat de Nashville est un attentat-suicide commis le 25 décembre 2020 par Anthony Quinn Warner dans centre-ville de Nashville, capitale du Tennessee. L'explosion du véhicule piégé, un camping-car, blesse aussi trois personnes et endommage des dizaines de bâtiments.


Le nom du terroriste, fanatique anti-5G, ne peut que surprendre puisque le premier "Anthony Quinn", fils d'un copain du révolutionnaire mexicain Zapata, ne signa jamais de contrat avec la "Warner"...

Blague à part...sauf à supposer l'humour et la culture cinéphile des organisateurs de l'événement Nashville2020, choisissant leur patsy de service justement pour son nom (probablement "recruté" dans un centre caritatif pour sans-abris), leur permettant ainsi d'accentuer davantage la confusion entre réel et fiction, gommant davantage la démarcation entre phénomènes naturels et artificiels, plongeant autant le lecteur que l'acteur de la narrative, dans un profond embarras, face à des phénomènes bientôt...surnaturels :

Witnesses report hearing gunshots, warning before vehicle explosion in downtown Nashville


Des témoins ont rapporté avoir entendu « des coups de feu tôt le matin et un message provenant d'un camping-car garé dans la rue avertissant quiconque se trouvant dans le secteur d'évacuer. "



Nashville police release bodycam footage from downtown bombing

As long they don't go to the 2nd Avenue side, it should be ok...


Six MNPD (Metro Nashville Police Department) personnel from the Central Precinct, a sergeant and five officers, were on the scene when the RV exploded at 6:30 a.m. on December 25, 2020.

Hazardous Devices Unit (HDU) officers, who were en route to 2nd Avenue prior to the explosion, started to lockdown the inner perimeter surrounding the actual blast site. 


Officer James Luellen described coming to the scene after receiving a report of shots fired before 6 a.m. He said he was unsure about the sound of gunfire, but soon after heard a warning coming from an RV about a bomb


Qu'en est-il de cette étrange chanson de Petula Clark ?

Amid the evacuation efforts, Luellen said he heard a song began to play from the RV and recalled some of the lyrics he heard.

“What I remembered was ‘Downtown where the lights shined bright,’” Luellen said during the press conference.

Luellen said the ATF agent he spoke to pulled it up and identified it as ‘Downtown’ by Petula Clark.


Fau-il y voir le smoking gun d'une opération du MK-Ultra comme le suppose Rumor Mill News :

MK Ultra trigger song? ‘Downtown’ by Petula Clark played from RV before Nashville bomb went off, officer says


Un témoin assermenté complète le tableau fantastique des phénomènes extraordinaires précédant l'explosion :

MIRACLE: See the Exact Moment Nashville Cop Hears Voice of God and Turns Around SECONDS Before Blast

CBN News- 28 déc. 2020


Ainsi, les témoins auditifs se montrent confusément conscients que ces voix, ces coups de feu et cette chanson, n'avaient pas tout à fait l'apparence de phénomènes naturels...

Pentagon report investigated lasers that put voices in your head

A recently unclassified report from the Pentagon from 1998 has revealed an investigation into using laser beams for a few intriguing potential methods of non-lethal torture. Some of the applications the report investigated include putting voices in people's heads, using lasers to trigger uncontrolled neuron firing, and slowly heating the human body to a point of feverish confusion - all from hundreds of meters away.


Pour la Navy nord américaine, c'est J.F. Schapitz qui, dans les années soixante du XXème siècle, a d'abord mené les études d'armes micro-ondes et à radiation électro-magnétique (radio fréquence) et a ouvert ce champ de recherche (microvave/RF bio—effects field):

Nonetheless, it is worthy of note that early military surveys of microwave workers occasionally reported certain unexplained responses of man to radar fields , including nausea, epigas— tric distress, and various auditory and sensory nerve responses [164]. 

[164.] Unsigned . “Control of Hazards to Health from Microwave Radiation , ” V Departments of Army and the Air Force , Washington, DC , December 6 , 1965 (TB MED 270/AFM 161—7). 


Brain Invaders




Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura

Ventura interviews a group of so-called "targeted individuals" (or "TIs") – people who claim that they are being manipulated and tortured by mind-control signals after they have spoken out against the government. He further looks into the technology that could be behind these attacks, such as microwave transmitting GWEN towers, and meets with insiders who claim to have worked on and developed the technology for the government that began with Project MKUltra


Nashville Explosion Caught on Tape (Second Angle)


Austin Kellerman - 25 déc. 2020




Nashville "Bombing" - Directed Energy Weapon Caught on Camera BEFORE Explosion! UPDATED: Now "National Defense Airspace"

26 December 2020

UPDATED 6:01 PM EST see bottom -- Security camera video from Nashville, TN shows what appears to be a Directed Energy Weapon coming down out of the sky and burning the AT&T Data Center location just seconds BEFORE a massive explosion erupted.  We have the video!

Before we go farther, you need to understand that the AT&T data center in Nashville, TN, which is where this explosion took place, is an absolutely CRITICAL piece of United States communications infrastructure.   It is a primary hub for VoIP traffic (Voice Over Internet Protocol) and is a primary data collection center used by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) to intercept telephone calls and keep stored copies of those phone calls. 






Le soir de Noël, à Nashville Tennessee, le danger venait-il aussi du ciel ?

FAA designates skies over Nashville as 'National Defense Airspace' in wake of bombing

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has classified airspace over Nashville as "National Defense Airspace" following the Christmas morning bombing in downtown Nashville.

The alert to pilots states "pilots who do not adhere to the following procedures may be intercepted, detained, and interviewed by law enforcement/security personnel."

In addition to penalties for pilots who break the protocol, there could be much more dire consequences. The alert states "The United States government may use deadly force against the airborne aircraft, if it is determined that the aircraft poses an imminent security threat."

Full text of the FAA :








9/11 - un autre exemple de "rayon de la mort" ?


9/11 : Vingt ans après...II

...vingt ans et des poussières...de Nicolas Tesla.





Merry Xmas !

21. 12. 2023 -  la faculté des lettres de Prague perpétue la tradition des attentats de Noël !


Première mise en ligne : 14/01/2021

Dernière mise à jour :29/07/2024




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